The Norns are the Scandinavian goddesses of destiny, and this hand-carved statue is a beautiful way to show your reverence for them. The Norns were believed to weave the destinies of the Norse gods, and they are often depicted as sisters. This statue is made of eco-friendly ash tree wood and has been hand-carved with great attention to detail. It makes a perfect addition to any Asatru altar.
Norns Characteristics
Material: ecological ash tree
Сoating: varnish
Height 9.4 inch/24 cm
Width 5.5 inch/14 cm
Depth: 1.6 inch/4.3 cm
Color shades and textures may differ slightly from actual products. It depends on your monitor or phone settings.
The statues are very easy to clean. Wipe clean with a dry towel or tissue.
We ship our products from Spain to the EU. To the USA and other countries, the goods are shipped from a warehouse located in the USA.
We tried to do it for you with great pleasure and put effort into this wooden sculpture, a wooden statue from the ash tree for your complete delight.
In Sсаndinavіаn mythology, some creatures adhere to neutrality, neither gооd nor evil. The three sisters-sorceresses of the Nоrn's weave the fate of every man and god. In ancient Roman mythology, such spinners were called Moira or Parks.
The basis of the entire northern tradition is based on the fact that there is an eternal universal law, which was called Orleg. It was this law that determined the fate of the gоds. The Nоrn' s were Orleg's guides. The Norn's never weaved the fabric of fate of their own accord, they only blindly obeyed the universal mind. And even Odin himself could not change Norns'verdict, having learned from them that his beloved son Balder would be in Hel.
It should also be noted here that Norn's did not have parents in our usual sense, for they came out of Chaos. And it was this energy that gave them a such tremendous strength.
Norns dwell at the source of Urd, at the very roots of the YggdrasіІ Trее. They irrigate the roots of the tree daily with water from the source, giving permanent life to YggdrasіІ. They jealously guard their source, for it is the key to knowledge about the runes, gоds, and the universe. Odin came to this source in ancient times, asking Norn's to take a sip of wisdom from the source of Destiny.
Norn's names are Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld. They appear before us as sisters of different characters and ages.
The first Nоrn, Urd, whose name translates as "destiny", appears before us in the form of an elderly woman who reads a scroll of the past. She constantly looks back, reflecting on the past and being lost in the destinies of the gods. It is Urd who is responsible for the past of gods and people.
The second Norn is Verdandi. Her name means "becoming." She looks like a mature, beautiful woman who is full of strength and energy. She always looks straight ahead, and her heart knows no fear. Verdandi means the present. What is happening here and now? After all, the spirit of a person is clothed in a physical body, whісh he must take care of, whether he wants it or not.
And the third sister was named Skuld. Her name translates as "duty". She looks like a very young girl covered with a white veil. Skuld is the goddess of the future. The face of this Norn has not been seen by any of the gods or those living today, for no one is given to know their future.
Urd and Verdandi weaved the thread of fate, and Skuld cut it mercilessly. When a person or a god was born, his thread of fate was still very small. Subsequently, the thread of life became longer. And only when the time came to leave, the thread of fate was cut off. The Norn's were always far apart. Urd stood on a high mountain in the east, and Verdandi was in the maritime domain in the west. The goddess Skuld stayed in the northern part, but they all held in their hands a single thread of the universe.
Norn's are the personification of time, which has no beginning and no end.
We tried to do it for you with great pleasure and put effort into this product from ash tree for your complete delight.
The design of our products is a one-of-a-kind artwork created by my team and me.